

The buildings and residences of the college are not beyond the reach of the law and are not sanctuaries from state and federal law enforcement. 政府成员不会阻挠这种执行. When the conduct of a member of the college community on college property or during a college activity, 无论发生在哪里, 是否违反了这项政策, 学院将采取适当的措施, 直至开除, 终止雇佣及转介检控. 这项政策补充了, 不能代替, 其他规定, 政策, standards and expectations regarding the conduct of college students and employees. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to remove or otherwise affect those protections normally afforded to all employees and students. 以下信息是马萨诸塞州法律的简要摘要. It is not legal advice and readers should refer to the actual law for complete information.







Using, 改变, selling or distributing false ID or driver's license






Transporting alcoholic beverages in a vehicle by driver under 21 years of age


Up to $50 fine for first offense; up to $150 fine for subsequent offenses AND suspension of driver's license for 90 days










使, 偷, 改变, forging or counterfeiting a driver's license or identification card or for possessing or using such a license or identification card


Fine up to $500 or up to five years in prison; immediate suspension of driver's license for up to 1 year




Purchasing or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages if under 21 years of age, 包括使用假身份






Having an "open container" of alcohol as a passenger in a vehicle






Driving under the influence, if under the age of 21, is driving with a blood alcohol level of .血液中酒精的重量百分比是02


罚款不少于500元至5元,000; mandatory suspension of license for 180 days and up to 1 year and/or up to 2.初犯判处5年监禁. 随后的违法行为会受到更高的惩罚.


MA普通法90§24 (1)(a)和§24P



Driving under the influence, if over the age of 21, is driving with a blood alcohol level of .血液中酒精的重量百分比是08


罚款不少于500元至5元,000; suspension of license for 1 year and/or up to 2.初犯判处5年监禁. 随后的违法行为会受到更高的惩罚.


普通法90§24 (1)(a)




Immediate suspension of a driver's license for minimum of 180 days. If under 21 years of age OR previously convicted of driving under the influence, 立即吊销驾驶证3年以上.




Causing serious bodily harm while driving under the influence of alcohol


2.5 to 10 years' imprisonment and a fine up to $5,000; revocation of driver's license for 2 years




联邦, state and local sanctions for unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs range from probation and forfeiture of property to fines and imprisonment. 例如, 对分发……的个人的制裁, 或者持有并意图分发, controlled substances include imprisonment for several years up to a maximum of life imprisonment, 罚款高达400万美元. 制裁 can increase for repeat offenders or for offenses resulting in death or serious bodily harm, and can be doubled for each of the following occurrences: distribution to persons under 18 years of age, 1内分布,一所学校的1000英尺, 包括大学校园学校, 或者雇佣未满18岁的人分发毒品. Attempt or conspiracy to commit a crime can be treated as severely as the intended offense. Many of the state and federal statutes that prohibit the illegal distribution of controlled substances provide for minimum mandatory prison sentences. Conviction for violation of any state or federal drug law can lead to ineligibility for any federal benefit, 包括补助金及贷款. Thus a student can make herself ineligible for student loans through drug conviction.

All students should be aware that current federal statutes permit notification of parent(s) regarding a student’s violation of the college’s controlled substance policy. Both designated college administrators and conduct boards may recommend to the dean of students that parental/legal guardian notification occur. The dean of students will make a final determination of the appropriateness of notification, 在认为适当的情况下执行. (The dean of students may notify parent[s]/legal guardian[s] without a designated college administrator’s or conduct board’s recommendation if she possesses information that would support this step.) Each student should be forewarned that parental/legal guardian notification may occur if a student is found responsible for a violation of the college’s controlled substance policy.

Massachusetts makes it illegal to be in a place where heroin and fentanyl are kept and to be “in the company” of a person known to possess such substances. 任何有海洛因和芬太尼的人, 比如在私人聚会或宿舍套间里, 有可能被判犯有严重的毒品罪.

更多的 complete tables of federal sanctions for illegal drug activity are available on the 图表页面 这个文件的.

The director of human resources must be notified by an affected employee of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation 发生在工作场所 不迟于定罪后五天. The college will then notify the federal funding agency involved, 如果有任何, 在收到通知后10天内.

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