

Are you thinking about your future but not sure where to begin? 从这里开始. This self-paced activity will give you greater clarity about your career plan and help you identify the next right thing for you to explore. 在你投入进去之后, make an appointment with a career adviser 聊聊你的下一步计划.

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Note: Some guides are in Google Docs format. We are aware that Google Docs don’t meet all accessibility requirements, especially when images and tables are involved. 请电子邮件 lazarus@whiest.com for a fully accessible version if you have accessibility difficulties with Google Docs files on the Lazarus Center pages.

Are you thinking about your future but not sure how to get started? Assessing yourself and what you want is a key part of career planning, whether you’re launching a job or internship search, 正在考虑休假, 或者考虑进一步研究. It's helpful to first think about your identities, skills, interests, values, and personality.

  • Your identities may be closely tied to your values, interests, social contexts and self-image. Knowing who you are and being confident in those identities will help you stay grounded as you explore the next phase of your life.
  • Skills are competencies developed through everything you do: jobs and internships, activities, courses and pastimes. A Smith degree builds a variety of highly marketable skills, some specific to a major and others gained across the curriculum.
  • Interests are issues, activities or fields of knowledge important to you. Your interests may be part of your work or remain as pastimes. Connecting with people who share your interests is an important part of researching careers, 机会, 以及进一步研究的选择.
  • Values are qualities you consider important about your work and life. For example, some people enjoy working as part of a team, while others prefer to work independently. Your values influence how appealing you find different work settings and can contribute to your definition of success.
  • Personality determines how you behave in interactions at school, work and in your personal life. Knowing more about your personality can help you identify careers and fields of study that might be a good fit.


The following self-assessment tools provide insights; they are not prescriptive. It is a starting point that allows you to reflect and gain awareness.


你的求职 (谷歌文档)

你的求职 Timeline (link to come)

招聘时间表 (谷歌文档)

了解工作机会 (谷歌文档)


The CliftonStrengths for 学生 report helps you see how your unique talents can bring clarity to your life and help you thrive academically, 社会, 在你未来的职业生涯中.


Discover your top five CliftonStrengths themes, get instructions for using your personalized report, 今天和将来, learn how your strengths contribute to your success (and how your strengths could get in the way of your success!), and access a practical outline for achieving your goals.

进行评估 (free for Smith students), schedule a “Review My CliftonStrengths Top 5 Results” 握手约定 to debrief your unique strengths and create a personalized action plan.


Are you a member of a student organization, 体育团队, or leadership group/club on campus looking for a team-building and development tool?  Here are a few reasons to take advantage of CliftonStrengths for your group:

  • 它是正
  • 它的结构
  • 这是有数据支持的 
  • 它是包容
  • 它有一个发展焦点

Contact Patricia Woods, assistant director of career exploration, at pwoods@whiest.com to request a CliftonStrengths workshop.