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Wurtele Center for Leadership

In our work with students, faculty, 和 staff, Wurtele领导力中心支持并倡导一种合作的领导力方法. 我们努力赋予澳门葡京博彩软件社区成员一种理解,即他们可以从任何有利位置领导, whether they hold positional power or not. At the same time, 我们认识到并寻求消除导致领导不平等的权力结构. We design workshops, programs, 会谈, partnerships with other campus units, 和其他学习经验,鼓励参与者了解自己(ME)和与他人有效合作(WE),以应用他们的知识和领导变革(IMPACT).

的 Wurtele Center is also the institutional home of the Collaborative Innovation Concentration (CIX).

我们的使命是让澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都具备创造力, courage, 以及在大小规模上引领积极变革的协作能力.

Our Future Is Green

的 Wurtele Center is getting a new home! 预计于2025年开放,将成为校园内最节能的建筑之一, Kathleen McCartney Hall will be a sustainable, inclusive, welcoming, 和 inspiring hub for career development 和 leadership training. 

通过“目的驱动的设计”,该建筑将使建筑与建筑之间的直接合作成为可能 LazarusWurtele Centers for the first time.

Learn 更多的 About the Project

A Center for Women’s Leadership

A visionary gift from Margaret Wurtele ’67 和 her late husb和, Angus Wurtele, 是什么让澳门葡京博彩软件进一步脱颖而出,成为培养女性领导力的卓越学院.

About Margaret Wurtele’s Vision
Margaret Wurtele

Amplify Program

Amplify是一项为您提供获得技能的机会的倡议, 指导和平台,你需要与公众分享你的知识和观点. 的 program culminates with a chance to submit your work to the Amplify Competition.

About the Competition

Our Core Values



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要实现积极的改变,我们就必须承担风险,努力工作, building creative confidence, 在我们建立领导能力的过程中,在面对失败和逆境时练习恢复力.

Gold icon


Forging, 发展和追求一种对个人有意义和超越自我的服务的目标感,是我们寻求在世界上产生影响的必要因素.

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从谦逊和好奇的角度参与领导,使我们能够协同工作,为复杂的问题创造公平和以人为本的解决方案, urgent problems.

Purple icon

Collaborative Innovation

的 Collaborative Innovation partners—Conway Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center, Design Thinking Initiative, Reflective Practices, 和 Wurtele Center—share a mission to help students develop agency, take purposeful action, 和 reflect on their journey.

An infographic of a triangle composed of four smaller triangles, labeled Conway Center, Wurtele Center, 和 Design Thinking Initiative. 的 fourth triangle is in the center, reading Collaborative Innovation. A circle goes around the whole image, labeled Reflective Practices.

Meet the Team

Erin Park Cohn ’00

Director of the Wurtele Center

艾琳是澳门葡京博彩软件的一名历史学家,并将她的批判性思维技能用于领导力发展和制度变革工作的教育和促进者. Before coming to Smith in 2019, she served as senior partner at Leadership+Design, 这是一家非营利咨询公司,致力于通过培养教育领导者作为变革推动者和以人为本的设计师的能力来改变K-12教育. Prior to her work at L+D, 她曾在新英格兰一所寄宿学校担任教务长和历史讲师. Erin holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Pennsylvania; her dissertation research explored the work of a group of visual artists who understood themselves as activists for racial 和 economic justice in the mid-20th century United States.

Megan Lyster

Assistant Director of the Wurtele Center

Curiosity, 协作和以人为本的设计一直是梅根在高等教育领域15年工作的核心. Most recently, 她曾在阿默斯特学院社区参与中心担任体验式学习的教学设计师, 她在哪里与跨学科的教师一起设计和促进基于社区和基于项目的学习. Prior to that, 梅根在汉普郡学院教授社会创业方面的课程,并支持独立学生的工作. She holds a B.A. 在汉普郡学院主修家庭和发展心理学,并获得硕士学位.A. from Prescott College with a concentration in education.

Annie DelBusto Cohen

Leadership Development Designer

Annie holds a B.A. in psychology from Wells College 和 an M.S. in college student personnel administration from Canisius College. Trained in social justice mediation 和 intergroup dialogue, Annie has done work facilitating spaces to explore identity, equity 和 justice. She has a decade’s worth of experience in student affairs, 特别是居住生活,以及最近管理BOLD女性领导网络. 她认为有必要为学生和校园创造机会,以参与以人为本的设计和领导社会正义/变革的交叉点.

Annie DelBusto Cohen

Sarah Hampton

Administrative Assistant

在2017年搬到北安普顿之前,萨拉在纽约疯狂的杂志出版领域工作了15年. 通过担任照片编辑/制作人和工作室经理,她发展了自己的创造性思维和组织能力. 她对协作领导和社会创新的欣赏始于她在巴恩斯维尔的贵格会社区的成长, 俄亥俄州, 和 continued at Earlham College, where she earned a B.A. in photography. 莎拉重视发展有意义的工作关系,并且一直在学习力量的重要性, resilience 和 joy through nearly 10 years of trying to surf.

Sarah Hampton

Strategic Plan

我们的使命是让澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都具备创造力, 有勇气和协作能力领导大大小小的积极变革. During the 2019–20 academic year, Wurtele领导力中心采用以人为本的设计方法开展了一项全面的战略规划项目.

Strategic Plan Executive Summary

Annual Report, 2022–23

“好的领导意味着认识到我们作为个人可以勇敢地激励我们周围的人, 促进在不稳定和不断变化的环境中实现集体影响的工作.” 
—Erin Park Cohn, Director of the Wurtele Center

Read the Annual Report

Contact Wurtele Center for Leadership

146 Elm Street
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01060

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