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只有学术成绩优秀的学生才可以参加五学院的课程. 学生在任何一所院校注册的学分不得超过8个.

Traditional Students

Traditional students must be enrolled in a minimum of eight credits at Smith in any semester.

First-Year Students

First-semester first-year students must obtain the permission of the class dean before enrolling in a Five College course. Second-semester first-year students may take one course within the Five College system provided the student obtained a GPA of 3.他们在澳门葡京博彩软件大学的第一个学期的成绩是0或更高. Requests made during early registration (November) will not be processed until add/drop (January). 一年级新生可在征得班级主任同意的情况下选修两门五学院课程. 

Ada Comstock Scholars

Ada Comstock Scholars - At least half of their total course load (credits) must be Smith courses.


1. Review Smith Guidelines 五所学院注册.

2. 审查澳门葡京博彩软件学生在其他地方上课的具体政策. 
It is your responsibility to be familiar with the pertinent regulations of the host institution, 包括出勤率, academic honesty, grading options, 以及完成课程和参加考试的最后期限. Smith students follow registration deadlines for Smith College except for change of grading option (P/F) as noted below.

3. Search for a course. 
咨询五所大学的课程指南,在其他大学找到一门课程. 请注意,有些课程可能不向五学院的学生开放, 并不是所有五所学院的课程都被认可为澳门葡京博彩软件学位的学分.

4. 通过大学五门课程考核. 
课程将由注册主任在提交课程申请时进行审核. We encourage requesting prior approval by submitting a course description or syllabus to the registrar's office for review. Normally only those courses falling within the scope of Smith's liberal arts curriculum will be approved.

透过 麻省大学无墙分校(UWW) 不是五所大学交换计划的成员.

5. 与你的导师讨论课程选择 

6. 在工作日提交请求 
Submit your request using the "Request Five College Course" link on the Academics dashboard in Workday. 
步骤说明可在 Workday Help Site

提前报名(11月/ 4月)

有先决条件和/或限制的课程需要教师许可. Note that the Five Colleges do not have access to student transcripts so prerequisites can only be waived with instructor permission. 在提前注册期间,讲师的许可不超过注册限制.

添加/删除(1月/ 9月)

All Five College Course requests not completed during or submitted after early registration require instructor permission. 在/add drop期间提出的所有新请求也需要教练的许可. 许可应以转发邮件的形式提交至 从教师的学校电子邮件地址. Instructor permission must be dated no earlier than two weeks prior to the start of the semester.
* UMass课程注意事项-讲师许可不能保证在课程中获得席位.

Please note: The submission of a Five College request requires the exchange of personal information with the other campus, 包括学生的社会安全号码. All information is released to the host registrar only and is kept confidential as required by the 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA).

注册过程可能需要几天(最多一周)。, 取决于主办学校的注册程序, so please be patient. You can check the status of your registration request on your student dashboard in Workday. 注册不能加速Moodle访问. It is the student's responsiblity to obtain coursework from the instructor until registration is complete and Moodle access is granted at the host institution.

Approved requests: 如果澳门葡京博彩软件注册主任和接待学校都接受你的请求, the course will be added to your registration and you will see the updated status of your request as “Registered” on your student dashboard in Workday.

Denied requests: If you are not accepted into the course you will see the updated status of “Denied” with the denial reason on your student dashboard in Workday. Please email with any questions.

Canceling requests: 要取消你的五所学院申请,请联系澳门葡京博彩软件注册办公室,

放弃五门大学课程: Once registered, you may drop a Five College course from your registration in Workday by the end of the Add/Drop period.

Five College Policies & Guidelines

Course Credits


Courses at the 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 (UMass) will be awarded the credit value assigned by that institution. 例如,马萨诸塞大学的航向方位为3.00学分将记录在澳门葡京博彩软件成绩单3.00 credits.

注册课程少于4门的学生.00 credits should bear in mind that they may need to take additional credits resulting from this potential shortage. Traditional students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits each semester and must average 16 credits per semester to graduate on time.

Grading Option



你必须在接收学校声明S/U或P/F(及格/不及格)选项, following that college's procedures and deadlines; the Smith deadline applies to Smith courses only.


你必须发一封经导师同意的电子邮件到 在Smith S/U的最后期限之前.

Five College Calendar


五个校区的开学和开学时间各不相同, 特别是在春季学期,可能与澳门葡京博彩软件期中重合. 学生应据此制定学业和旅行计划. 所有学生必须按照接收学校的时间安排完成考试.

五、大学巴士服务:欲了解更多信息,请咨询 Five College website.

UMass Lab Fees

对于麻省理工学院的实验费课程,麻省理工学院将直接向学生收费. 大多数实验室都有95美元的实验室费.

Language Study

这取决于澳门葡京博彩软件部门的信用政策, some introductory language courses require completion of a full year (normally two semesters) before credit is granted.

五个学院监督的独立语言课程 (FCSILP)必须获得许可,并应咨询其网站以获取更多说明. 一级课程的学分只有在修完二级或以上课程后才能获得. Foreign language Latin Honors distribution is not awarded until completion of level IV or higher.

Independent Studies

独立/特殊研究的要求必须在工作日提出.  A 澳门葡京博彩软件特别研究表格 (signed by the instructor at the host school) is required and must be submitted with the interchange registration form. 学生也可能被要求在主办学校填写表格.


Graduating seniors and graduate students taking Five College courses in the spring semester should make special note of the examination schedule at other campuses. Students should be advised that there is no obligation on the part of the faculty at other colleges to make alternative arrangements or to give exams early or submit final grades before the stated deadline.

Graduating students are permitted to participate as normal in all commencement ceremonies but will not receive their diplomas until all grades have been recorded.

Seniors who are eligible for Latin honors: Your GPA will be recalculated once the record is complete. If awarded, the notation will be added to the diploma but may not be included in commencement program because of publication deadlines.


A Five College incomplete (grade of "I") is equivalent to a failing grade and is calculated as such until a final grade is submitted. An incomplete grade at some institutions will be converted to a failing grade on the student's official record if course work is not completed by the end of the following semester.


For information and to request the 五所大学膳食交换 please visit the dining services website.
Five College Dining

支持五个学院的学术机会, a dining meal exchange is available for students enrolled in a meal plan at their home institution. Requests for participation in the meal exchange will be granted for academic reasons only. 其他换餐要求, 这有一个令人信服的理由, 会以个人为基础进行审查吗.