

每个学生都有责任了解有关课程和课程注册的所有规定, 并负责按照规定和学位要求规划学习课程.

The requirements for the undergraduate degree are:

  • Minimum 128 credits of academic work. (参见学位限制.)
  • Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for all institutional work (including Smith 项目 Abroad and Five College Interchange).
  • 完成一个专业.
  • 在入学的第一年完成了一门写作强化课程,成绩令人满意(C -或更好).
  • Four semesters of academic work, a minimum of 64 completed credits, in academic residence at 澳门葡京博彩软件 in Northampton. Two of these semesters must be completed during the 初级 or senior year.
  • 文学学士:完成本专业以外的64学分的学术工作(64 -信用规则).
  • 理学学士学位:理学学士学位的额外要求列在 澳门葡京博彩软件课程目录 (under "工程") and on the Picker 工程 Program website.


  • A limited number of performance credits may be counted toward the degree:

    • Exercise and Sport Studies (ESS): maximum of 4 credits
    • Music (MUS): maximum of 24 credits
    • Dance (DAN): maximum of 12 credits for non-dance majors, 20 credits for dance majors


  • 可选的满意/不满意(S/U)成绩的最多16个学分可以计算在学位中.
  • A maximum of 16 credits of special studies may be counted toward the degree.
  • 最多12个经批准的暑期学校学分和最多12个经批准的澳门葡京博彩软件或其他地方的期中学分可以应用于该学位, with an overall maximum of 32 credits of combined summer, 小学期, AP and other pre–matriculation credits.

Completion of Degree Requirements (Senior Certification)

Completion of degree requirements (senior certification) is completed through Workday. 第二学期的高年级学生将被注册办公室提示开始认证过程. Major and minor requirements will be certified by the respective advisers. 64学分规则将由注册办公室认证,并由主要顾问确认。. 拉丁荣誉 will be reviewed by the registrar's office.

学生 and advisers should review the 学业进度报告, and advisers should submit overrides to requirements as needed. 认证前, all requirements must appear as Satisfied or In Progress; no requirements should be outstanding.


每年大约有25%的毕业生被授予文学或科学学士学位,并获得拉丁文荣誉(cum laude), 优等生, or summa cum laude) and/or departmental honors. 拉丁荣誉 are awarded to graduating seniors who have meet the eligibility requirements:

1. Complete the distribution requirements in seven fields of knowledge
2. Complete 48 graded credits during the sophomore, 初级, and senior years.
3. Meet the minimum 拉丁荣誉 GPA for the graduating class (not published or disclosed).

1. Distribution of courses in the seven major fields of knowledge

If you wish to become eligible for 拉丁荣誉 at graduation, 您必须在七个主要知识领域中选择至少一门课程(通常为4学分):

  • 艺术{}
  • 外语* {F}
  • 文献{1}
  • 历史研究{H}
  • Mathematics and analytic philosophy {M}
  • 自然科学{N}
  • 社会科学{S}

Not all Smith courses carry 拉丁荣誉 designations. Any particular 4-credit course may be used to cover only one field of knowledge. 在澳门葡京博彩软件完成的部分学分课程或通过转学完成的部分学分课程可以与同一领域的其他课程相结合,总共至少4个学分,以满足分配要求. A course may be used only once to satisfy distribution requirements.

*一年的语言入门课程或一门更高水平的课程满足外语拉丁语荣誉要求. 学生 who are non-native speakers of English may, with the permission of a class dean, 选修英语系100级的任意两门课程(或更高水平的一门课程),以满足外语拉丁荣誉要求. 非英语为母语的人被认为是那些在咨询表格中表明英语不是他们的第一语言的人, 你曾在非英语教学的学校接受过几年教育吗, 还能阅读, 写和说这种语言.

  • 任何一年(包括第一年)修读所有澳门葡京博彩软件的课程,总学分不少于4学分,并获得拉丁荣誉称号。.
  • 任何一年(包括第一年)修读所有澳门葡京博彩软件少于4学分的课程,并获得拉丁荣誉称号。. Must complete a total of 4 credits in each 拉丁荣誉 designation to earn the designation.
  • 注册办公室批准的五门学院、转学和非澳门葡京博彩软件留学课程. Send course description and requested 拉丁荣誉 designation to registrar@whiest.com
  • 由学院和荣誉和独立项目小组委员会(SHIP)批准的澳门葡京博彩软件特别研究课程. Designation must be requested as part of the special studies application.

  • 大学先修课程考试
  • a - level考试
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) exams
  • Pre-matriculation courses (College courses taken while in high school)

2. Minimum Number of Graded Credits After First Year

In order to be eligible for 拉丁荣誉, you must have a minimum of 48 graded credits (non S/U, non-transfer) that have been taken after your first year (i.e., in the sophomore, 初级, and senior years). 如果你在大二的时候, 初级, or senior year away from campus (with the exception of Smith JYA or Washington programs), grades from the remaining two years are counted. 第一年的成绩不计入拉丁荣誉GPA,尽管第一年的课程可以用来完成拉丁荣誉指定.

3. 成绩/拉丁文荣誉GPA

拉丁荣誉的最低平均成绩每年都有所不同,这取决于那些有资格进入高年级的学生的总体成绩分布,不会公布或披露. It is impossible to determine the minimum GPA in advance. The 拉丁荣誉 GPA is calculated using eligible grades after the first-year of enrollment. For Transfer students and Ada Comstock scholars, the 拉丁荣誉 GPA is the same as your cumulative GPA.

  • 学院成绩
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件JYA等级
  • 史密森计划等级
  • 选拔计划成绩
  • Five College interchange courses (taken during the semester only, not during 小学期 or during the summer)

  • First-year grades, even those taken at Smith*
  • Transfer grades of any kind including summer
  • Study abroad grades on non-Smith JYA programs
  • 所有S/U或P/F职系*


Progress Toward Completion of Requirements

拉丁荣誉 fulfilment can be tracked on the 工作日的学业进展. The report displays if a requirement is statisfied, not satisfied, or in progress.


学生必须完成拉丁荣誉分配要求,以便考虑选举到Phi Beta Kappa.



You may not enter your senior year with a shortage of credits; exceptions require a petition to the Administrative Board before your return to campus for your final two semesters.


如果您希望在澳门葡京博彩软件或非澳门葡京博彩软件项目或其他本科机构完成部分或全部的大四, you must petition the administrative board. 请愿书必须包括令人满意地完成专业和学位要求(包括居住)的计划,并且必须得到专业部门的批准. 申请必须在申请校外学习的截止日期前提交给班级主任办公室.

If you are studying away from campus during your final semester, 在注册办公室收到最终的官方成绩单并确认完成学位要求之前,您将不会被授予学位或文凭.


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 diploma is printed with the graduate's name, degree and graduation honors. Majors do not appear on the diploma unless the graduate has been awarded departmental honors. The diploma displays the college seal and is individually signed by the president of the college.

在你大四的时候, the registrar's office will contact you to confirm the spelling of the diploma name.

Official translation of the diploma from Latin to English can be obtained by contacting registrar@smtih.edu