
作为毕业要求,你必须完成至少一个专业. The list of departments and programs offering major programs of study is available at on the 课程学习页面. 你可以再加一个专业, 小, concentration or Five College certificate at any time after you declare your first major. 澳门葡京博彩软件只承认两个纯学术课程(主修), 辅修或五专科证书), 在以下组合中:

  • 一个主要的
  • 一个大调,一个小调
  • 一个专业和一个五科证书
  • 两个专业(i).e.,双学位)

A concentration combines academic and practical experience, and may be added as a 第三 你的学习计划记录. You must apply and be accepted into a concentration before you can declare it.


You must declare a major by the end of the registration period during the second semester of your sophomore year; however, 你可以早在第一年的第二学期就申报. 如果你打算出国留学, you must declare a major before you submit your study abroad application in early February of your sophomore year. Junior transfer students must declare a major before registration for their second Smith semester. Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件必须在一个学期内申报获得64个学分.

澳门葡京博彩软件只认可 两个 纯学术课程的学习(专业), 学生记录上的辅修或证书, 在以下组合中:

  • 一个主要的
  • 一个大调,一个小调
  • 一个专业和一个五科证书
  • 两个专业(i).e.,双学位)

A concentration combines academic and practical experience, and may be added as a 第三 你的学习计划记录. You must apply and be accepted into a concentration before you can declare it.

You must declare a Five College Certificate by submitting the declaration form with the registrar's office and completing the steps on the 五院网站. Completion of the Five College certificate must be confirmed by the Five Colleges, Inc.

宣布学习计划, you must complete the Program of Study Declaration form found on Workday or our 形式 页面. 当你选择第一个专业时, you need the approval of your liberal arts adviser (LAA) and your new adviser. 如果你要选第二专业, 小, concentration or Five College certificate you will only need the approval of your adviser for that specific program of study. No major or 小 can be in the same department or program as the first major.


A concentration may be declared as an additional program in conjunction with any of the academic program combinations above. A concentration gives students a way to organize a combination of intellectual and practical experiences, 比如实习和服务学习, 围绕一个感兴趣的领域.


A student’s program requires a minimum of 36 earned credits in a departmental or interdepartmental major. 文学学士学位, 学生全部课程的一半, 或至少64学分, 应在本专业的院系或专业之外进行. Any course that is explicitly listed in the catalogue as required for or counting toward fulfilling the requirements of the major shall be considered to be inside the major for the purposes of this rule. Prerequisite, dual-prefixed and cross-listed courses are also considered to be inside the major. 64学分规则的批准例外情况包括:

  • 100-level prerequisites that do 不 count directly toward major requirements (i.e., are below the level eligible to fulfill a major requirement) are 不 counted as inside the major.
  • 在广泛的 interdivisional, cross-listed courses taken in excess of those used to fulfill major requirements may be exempted from the inside-of-major credit count.
  • 学生 pursuing departmental honors are required to take at least 56 credits, 而不是64学分, 在他们是荣誉候选人的部门或项目之外.  

The requirements for each major are described before the course listings for each major department and program. 学生 should refer to the semester’s schedule of course sections for the most current information on cross-listed and dual-prefixed courses.


主修科目和辅修科目只能算两门课程. Up to three courses from the major requirements may count towards the concentration requirements. 详见具体浓度要求. Individual concentrations may allow fewer courses to count for both concentration and major requirements.




The 学术的进步 report on Workday assists students and their advisers in navigating Smith’s curricular requirements and tracking academic progress. 它集成了详细的专业、辅修和专业要求 澳门葡京博彩软件目录 与学生在Workday的课程作业一起制作一份易于阅读的审计报告. 报告是学术规划和选课的重要工具, 学生应该在咨询他们的指导老师后使用它。.


The student and their adviser(s) use the 学术的进步 report to review progress toward the degree and plan for the semester(s) ahead. 学术进展报告提供了详细的, 关于学习要求的最新信息, 以及拉丁荣誉的分配. It displays how completed and in-progress coursework applies toward the completion of those requirements, 并提供未完成需求的信息.

学术进展报告是一种规划工具 拟代替与顾问会面的地方. 学生 should meet with their assigned adviser at least once a semester to ensure they are taking necessary prerequisites and following appropriate course sequences, 了解学位要求, and are making progress to complete all degree and 学习计划要求 in the appropriate time.

学术进展报告也用于 认证完成 毕业要求的学习计划.


的问题 学习计划要求–particularly missing or unsatisfied requirements–should be referred to the program of study adviser. 在某些情况下, 顾问可能需要提交一份“撤销”文件,以允许某些课程的完成, 比如转学课程, 五门大学课程或经批准的专业以外的选修课, 满足要求. 其他需求, 比如专业中个性化的重点领域, should be determined in consultation with your adviser and submitted by the adviser via an override. (请注意,注册办公室不能发起覆盖.)

问题 荣誉要求 应该转介到注册主任办公室吗 registrar@whiest.com

For more information on using the 学术的进步 report, please see the information provided 在这里.

注意/免责声明: The 学术的进步 report is intended to support and complement faculty-based advising, 不能取代面对面的咨询会议或信息包含在 澳门葡京博彩软件目录. It is the student’s responsibility to read the available information on requirements and proactively engage with their adviser(s) to ensure full understanding of and compliance with these requirements.

The 学术的进步 report is 不 an academic transcript or proof of completion. Any discrepancies in the 学术的进步 report do 不 automatically grant students an exception to their degree requirements. Final certification of the program(s) of study and 64-credit requirements resides with the faculty adviser(s). Validation of the 64-credit requirement and Latin Honors distribution resides with the Office of the 注册商. Final responsibility for meeting all graduation requirements resides with the student.